Unit 35 Social Media


  • Purpose
The purpose of Facebook is to share what you're doing with your friends and to see what they are up to as well. Also its for messaging people, finding and adding new friends, writing your opinions on things and keeping updated with the news.
  • Content
Within Facebook you can send friend requests, you can also message your friends and look at their profiles, you can update your own profiles and also like, comment and share on different posts as well as posting something yourself, whether its text, pictures or videos.
  • Target market/ Membership
The target audience for Facebook is people aged 13 and above, it is something that most people can go on, it is a simple social media website and is fun to use and it is designed for literally anyone who can go on the internet. People under the age of 13 do have accounts and use Facebook anyway even though they shouldn't. There are 77% female users on Facebook and 66% male users, Facebook is aimed at both genders.

  • Sources of revenue
They have promotion pictures and advertisements around the pages to make money, also they have their own Facebook games like Farm Ville and also they have Facebook credits. Most of their advertisements are for films, games and tv programs, although they also advertise clothing brands, music and sports and sports teams.

  • Legal / ethical issues
Anyone can share anything, and everyone will be able to see it. There isn't a lot of privacy even though everyone is told that there is, many hurtful things can be said and if it's targeted at someone then they will easily be able to see that on Facebook so Facebook can be used to cyberbully people, which is an issue. News articles can be shared on Facebook, people comment their opinion on that subject and sometimes its a comment on racism or someone being racist and that can be seen by many people of that race and affect them in different ways, for example they could get angry and do something to the people that posted the comment or they could be upset and therefore they are being bullied as well, both of these are major issues. Racial comments and posts happen everyday and is a huge issue that affects the majority of people and can cause chaos of the internet.

The purpose of Instagram is to share/upload photos and videos to other social networks such as twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and flickr as well as on Instagram. The log line “to capture and share the world's moments.”

In Instagram you can alter your photos and caption them before they are posted and your followers can comment, like and share photos you’ve shared. Influencers have flourished on Instagram creating huge communities that follow accounts that specialise in certain subjects for example art, expensive cars, camera equipment, horizons etc.


Target market/ Membership
Instagram’s target audience is teenagers, young adults and photographers, this is because young people like to share what they do and take photos of things that happen in their life and share it out to their friends, also as it is taking moments in your life and sharing pictures, photographers like to have Instagram to show their skills and share out the lovely pictures they take with their friends and also they can use their accounts as a reference/reel for when they apply for a job and as many photographers have lots of followers it is a source of income for them. In 2016 there are 65.3 million Instagram accounts 68% of them are female. The largest numbers of users are of age 16-20.

Sources of revenue
Instagram has a system of promoted photos that get placed onto selected timelines. They usually appear in the timeline to make it seem like it's a post made from someone you are following. Public companies pay to have their ‘promoted’ photos shared to Instagram as an advertisement service. Instagram has been incredibly successful with this kind of advertising
because they’re not destructive and the app still functions.

Legal / ethical issues
Like Facebook, Instagram allows the user to share anything in the confines of the terms of service. Anyone that violates the terms of service gets their photos or account taken down depending on the severity of the issue. People are restricted with what they can post, because it could cause offense to someone. An example of an ethical issue is the #freetheniple movement, it violates the terms of service in that you’re not allowed to post nudity in this case female nipples but you are allowed if they’re male nipples. Many celebrities and users have called for instagram to change their terms of service.

  • Purpose
The purpose of Twitter is to share your experiences and opinions, but also watch your friends or anyone that you choose to follow. Twitter uses its 'Trending' tab to let users know what is going on and what is the most talked about thing at the time, it usually consists of news or events that are happening, like concerts or sports events.
  • Content
You are able to share video, text and pictures, that can be seen by anyone that follows you, there is also a direct messaging service on Twitter that can also be used between ‘followers’.
  • Target market/ Membership
Anyone can use Twitter, it is easily accessible for anyone, it may not be suitable for everyone, but the unsuitable content of Twitter only comes with who the user follows. There isn’t a membership for Twitter but there are a lot of “Verified” accounts (usually celebrities or ‘important’ people) that get more traffic and attention than a regular user.

  • Sources of revenue:
Twitter's main source of income is the promoted tweets that appear on all accounts, companies pay Twitter to advertise on their site, these adverts are seen by anyone that uses Twitter. Users can also pay Twitter to promote their accounts to gain bigger following.
  • Legal / ethical issues
Again anyone can share anything on Twitter, this could become an issue because anyone can use the site. This means that people could bully or share horrible things on Twitter without too much punishment, because of how much there is to handle it doesn’t get sorted really quickly.

Social benefits of Social media:
  • Instagram: a lot of photographers use Instagram to promote their work and create an easy following. They use it as a portfolio that can, in the future, be seen by employers or clients. Instagram also allows these photographers to get feedback on their work.
  • Twitter: they allow you to follow your favourite people, whether it's your friends or celebrities and easily stay update to date with their life and share things with them, this allows anyone to socialise well and interact with anyone.
  • Facebook: Facebook allows you to make new friends or keep in touch with friends you already now, they provide a messaging service that can be used to keep in contact with these friends.
Potential Problems of Social media:
  • Twitter: it may be good to see celebrities tweets, but you might come to realise that anything can be shared to Twitter and you may not agree with that. So your favourite celebrity could tweet something you disagree with and you could get very upset.
  • Facebook: it is free for anyone to add anyone as a friend on Facebook, this can be a negative be it creates what is known as 'Cat-fish', they pretend to be someone they are not to gain the attention of another person who is unaware of who they really are.
  • Instagram: You allow anyone to see pictures of you and what you do, which is a little strange because you don't know what these people could be like.


Social media ideas:

1. A photo sharing app, that allows the user to view other people photos, the difference of this to others is that you can put your photos or others (with credit) in albums that can be shared to people. These albums can be shared on a home page of the app depending on how many views they get, to raise popularity of a user. We are hoping to get a target audience of teenagers/young adults, with a large majority of the users being photographers, so they can expand themselves without going through too much effort.

2. A music streaming service, that when you create your account, instead of picking your favourite genres to let the app recommend music for you. You look for 10-20 songs that then lets the service know your taste of music and will recommend more off of the selection of your initial picks. We are aiming to find a target audience that loves to listen to music, it is also possible to share some of your own music with the service, so we also are hoping to get musicians to use the app.

3. A TV show review site, it will have a selection of TV show live feed's, these runs whilst an episode of a TV airs. The users of the site can chat about the show to other people in the feed, once the episode if finished, the users get 10-15 minutes to have an overall chat about the episode and then the feed closes. The users can favourite what shows they like, so they can easily access the live feeds on their home. A target audience that we want to reach is going to be Teenagers/Young Adults, but I also guess anyone that likes TV would like the site. 


Why this person would like my Social media idea:
My music streaming service would be great for this person because they are a musician who likes to share whatever music they have made whenever they want to. He isn't limited to when he shares his work, some of the features of my idea would suite his style, for example one of the features being that you can organise your music into very specific playlists, he puts out a good amount of music so having these playlists would help him out a lot. Because you can also add other peoples music to your playlists, he would most likely use this, he has a few friends that are also rappers or producers that he could show off in his playlists, that could reach the homepage because of his popularity. Bobby has spent a lot of his life chasing his passion for music so I think that this idea would be a good thing for him to use. Because he is a young adult, its not like he would find any difficulty using the site and the site would most probably fit in well with people of his age.

My Social media idea:

My idea is a Music streaming site that allows you to organise music into playlists that can be shared across the world, whether you're a musician who wants to spread their own music or just a casual listener who wants to show everyone their love for a certain genre.

As mentioned before, users will be able to share their created playlists with their followers, and with enough popularity on a specific playlists, eventually shared to the homepage of the site. Users will be able to follow their favourite musicians or friends and also be followed, this somewhat allows the user to see the popularity in their taste of music. There is also going to be a private messaging service that allows the user to message the people that follow them.

Target Audience:
We want our target audience to be any musician or anyone that has a taste in music, it doesn't matter what age they are, as long as they love music. Obviously we want to generally appeal to a younger audience as they are easier to interact with/get feedback from.



What a profile page might look like:
Draft 1:

Draft 2:

What the profile page might look like on an iPhone:

What a homepage would look like on an iPhone:

What the Sign in page on a computer would look like:

Profile page:

Home page:

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