Unit 45 Special Effects

Special Effects Cloning Practice:


Special Effects Knife Throw:


Special Effects Snow Slope Green Screen:


Self Feedback:
To make things better, maybe don't change the tones of the videos, so at one point the shots in the knife throw were quite normal but like half way through it they turned quite dark (as in strange).

Another way that the videos could've been better is we should have used better visual effects so that the way that some of the actions looked more realistic, for example in the knife throw some of the blood looked a little bit out of place compared to the actual shots.

P2 Technical Proposal:
Die Hard with Comedy.... Die Laughing (Maybe)

Bruce Willis and Anthony Sullivan are pitching a new idea for a new cleaning product. They are trying to sell it to a Tesco in London. Whilst getting ready for the presentation, the evil trio of Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi and Willem Defoe steal a usb stick with Anthony Sullivan's picture of a puppy on it. So our two hero's Anthony Sullivan and Bruce Willis have to find the USB that is somewhere within London. With no money they have to get around with minimal transport, a Fiat 500. To get the USB off of the villain's they must use all force, with the snub nose revolvers that they own. Causing havoc to obtain the device, they cause destruction and even some explosions occur.

Special Effects in 'Die Laughing':
- Miniatures of the car doing a flip and crash.
- The hand gun for prop.
- Maybe make up for wounds.

a) These effects will be used because they are a lot easier to handle, for example its not like I can actually get a Fiat 500 and make it do a flip and crash. The use of the fake hand gun will be obviously safer and more reliable then using a real gun. Using these effects are the best way to make the trailer look real, they also allow the production to be easier.

b) We need these effects because using these props in a real factor would cost too much and would be dangerous, for example if were to get our hands on a real gun then it would be extremely dangerous and highly illegal.

c) To recreate the car crash and flip over, might just have to use a miniature of the car and just roll it over to make it look realistic. To make the gun look effect we might just have to use a gun that looks somewhat realistic but obviously isn't real, to create the gunshots we will have to make them in post production with the visual effects.

d) We would only need to create one of our special effects, the materials that we will need for the fake blood, would be the fake blood itself and a bottle of water to dispense the blood.

e) The overall costs probably wouldn't be too bad because it's a miniature of a Fiat 500, they're probably not too expensive. The gun on the other hand might be a little difficult to get a hand of and we will have to go with a prop gun, which could cost just a bit more than the miniature Fiat 500.

f) To make the effects look good, we will need to use a range of shots. To make sure that the water bottle is hidden so that the blood looks good we will be using a high angle shot looking down at the character to hide the unnecessary material. To recreate the look of a real car, we will be filming the miniature closely to mimic a real car.

g) There are a few risks that come with our effects, not harmful risks but risks that could effect our shooting. For example with the gun scenes and fake blood, people could think that these effects are real and stop us from filming. This could be a huge issue, but to make sure that this doesn't occur, we will film in safe and secure areas with less people around and if there are people, then we will have to tell them that it is just a film and that they shouldn't worry.


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