US Music video:

UK TV show:
Japanese Film:
A) Character Profile Sheet:
Person: A Genie
Name: Will Robben
Age: 1216 y/o
Clothing: Minimal, Jacket and shirt.
Nationality/Region: Lamp/Florence-Italy
Interests: Helping the right people, flying and Hip-Hop.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes Thriller Movies, Dramatic Music, Chance the Rapper and Westworld but dislikes greedy people, too much work and working for the wrong reason.
Will Robben is a genie that is just trying to get on in life, working for people and seeing to their commands. After an argument with his parents he came to the realisation that most of the people he works for are greedy and are asking for things that are unnecessary and destructive. He continues helping the normal people that ask for small things but refuses to work for the greedy people, they notice this and revolt against him, this will occur through the series as he tries to ignore them but still try to help others.
What story will be shown in the animation:
The animation will start off by showing Will finishing up helping someone and then going home, as 0.he gets home he can hear and see his parents arguing through the window and he joins in after entering the house. The next day Will comes to the realisation that he doesn't need to help certain people, like the greedy ones.
B) Drawings:
i) Rough Sketches:
ii) Final Character (drawn):
iii) Final Character (Photoshop):

iv) Final Character Expressions:
v) Final character poses:
A, C, E)Treatment:
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