When was Fantagraphics Founded and by who?
1976, Michael Catron and Gary Groth.
In what city are Fantagraphics based and what is different about their headquarters?
They are based in Seattle, their office is based in a house, more normal than a cubical office in their eyes.
What is there mission statement?
Publishers of the worlds greatest cartoonists.
What is Fantagraphics view of the potential of comics as a medium?
They believed that the potential of comics as a medium was the actual art and they could see it expanding in the future.
What is special about the way Fantagraphics treat the creators of the work they publish?
Fantagraphics based their creators revenue off of what their own sales were like, the creators got given full profit of their own work, whereas other companies would exploit the creators and not give them the same privilege.
What was the big change in underground comics that happened when Fantagraphics’ started publishing Love & Rockets?
Comic creators realised that they had complete freedom and they could write about anything they wanted, even if it was about drugs, sex, violence etc.
What kinds of products do Fantagraphics publish?
Fantagraphics produces Comic books, monthly release that consists of panelled images with little amounts of text from characters, and Graphic Novels which are the same thing but are released at once.
List the titles of as many different comics that Fantagraphics publish, do they have anything in common?
Ghost world, Megahex, Hip Hop Family Tree, An age of license, How to be happy, Peanuts etc.
They are mostly Comic books, like Hip Hop Family Tree, and Graphic Novels like Ghost World. But they also have a collection of comic strips.
List as many creators as you can from the article and identify their role in terms of writing, drawing or both?
Ed Piskor (Artist) and Harvey Pekar (Writer) worked on Hip hop Family Tree, Daniel Clowes (Cartoonist) creator of Ghost world, Ho che Anderson (Cartoonist) creator of King and Young hoods in love, Charles M. Schulz (Cartoonist) creator of Peanuts.
Task 2:
Charles Burns got influence for his work from the comic Dick Tracy by Chester Gould, the black and white comic style that Burns uses for Robot Love is inspired by Dick Tracy, and even the character facial features can be seen as very similar. There was also some story influence to Charles Burns from Dick Tracy, the idea of having his main protagonist as a detective hero.
Burns explores dark themes in Big Baby, instead of creating a horror of monsters and ghouls. The theme focuses itself to the realistic horrors of the real world, like murder and abuse etc. He shows this with his characters, some of them act very suspiciously to hide these horrors in the comics, like in big baby when the big guy is digging up the ground to obviously hide a body he is sweating and lying to the kid.
His comics were made for the people who believed that comics could be a lot more than superheroes and unrealistic stories. He is focusing his audience on people who wanted to see something different, most of them being teenagers or people who have always liked the underground style of comics, he wants people to not be ashamed to read things other than Super hero stories.
Watching local wrestling as a kid in the 1960s, Charles Burns gained a lot of his inspiration for his character. But it wasn't until he started watching Mexican wrestling that the inspiration was fully formed, for the look and name, the idea for El Borbah came to him when he saw a wrestler with the iconic hidden identity, costume and mask.
Task 4

Pen Portrait:
Who are they?
Jack Nichols
How old are they?
How do they socialise?
Going to events, online forums, with friends online etc.
What films do they like?
Sci-Fi (Star Wars), most action films (Speed), Comedies (Step Brothers.)
What do they read?
The Star Wars Novels, Indiana Jones Novels, Sci-Fi/Crime comics.
What do they love?
Anything to do with the future, films, epic film music.
What do they hate?
Romantic films, Horror and Queues.
Why this person would like my comic:
Jack Nichols would like my comic because of the fact that he likes the future. The idea of my comic takes part in parts of the future, Jack would really like my main character because of what he does to save the future. Also the technology that my main character will be using in the comic will intrigue Jack, because its futuristic and has cool abilities. Because my comic will have aspects of action and crime in it, this will also appeal to Jack because as previously mentioned he loves those things. My comic focuses around a male main character which would be more relatable to Jack because of course he is also male, because of his age he would love it because of the types of films that came out when he was growing up.
Character 1:
Name: Andre Free (Time) Present time.
Age: 23
Loves: Time, the future, martial arts and helping people.
Hates: Unfortunate events, Dictators and his old bullies.
Most Prized Possession: His pocket watch.
Guilty Pleasure: Thinking deeply into the future.
Deepest Secret: He doesn't know his parents at all.
How they see themselves: He see's himself as a loner because of his prior bullying experience.
How others see them: A quite, excluded person.
Character 2:
Name: Andre Free (Time) Future.
Age: 65
Loves: Helping the present time Andre, helping the past and saving the future.
Hates: Having a normal life, being in his present time, leaving the past.
Most Prized Possession: His pocket watch.
Guilty Pleasure: Staying in the past for too long.
Deepest Secret: That he found out about his parents.
How they see themselves: A saviour of the future and guardian of the past.
How others see them: They don't.
Character 3:
Name: Lucy James
Age: 21
Loves: Andre, being a law enforcer and her family.
Hates: Andre talking about time, criminals and paperwork.
Most Prized Possession: Her police badge.
Guilty Pleasure: Science.
Deepest Secret: She killed a guy of duty.
How they see themselves: A great officer, a tough person.
How others see them: A professional police officer that does everything to get the job done.
Character 4:
Name: Jack Willis (Andre's Guardian)
Age: 44
Loves: Taking care of Andre, staying at home, watching the news.
Hates: Cocky people, Apple Juice, Peanuts.
Most Prized Possession: His journal.
Guilty Pleasure: Cocaine.
Deepest Secret: He knows about Andre real parents.
How they see themselves: A slob, good guardian to Andre.
How others see them: A lazy man, nothing known about him.
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