Unit 11 Scripts

c) https://www.dropbox.com/s/wp9ehg5tgd0ztol/P1character_style.doc?dl=0

Game of Thrones:
Will - Just wants Gared and Ser Waymar to believe what he witnessed, he also wants to stay safe and take precaution. His conflict is having Ser Waymar be the upper class and he has been told that if he leaves, he will be tagged as a deserter and killed.

Ser Waymar - He wants to stand his upper-class and act as the bigger man, he doesn't want to believe that the 'White walkers' are real but he wants to find out what Will saw, as he just wants to do his job. The only conflict that Ser Waymar has is the other two trying to drag him back to wall.

Gared - Wants to go back to the wall and warn others about what Will has seen. He tries to act above Ser Waymar but he can't because he doesn't have the authority. Gareds conflict is Ser Waymar telling him to carry on looking even though he wants to get back to safety.

Quote Analysis:

Meeting Minutes:
The Walking Dead/Game Of Thrones differences:
Style: The Walking Dead is set in an Apocalyptic world at present time, specifically in the state of Georgia in America, where as Game Of Thrones is set in a fantasy world based around a medieval style, we can tell these things by some of the description in the action of the script, one example is "Ser Weymar is gray-eyed and graceful, with an aristocrat's air of command despite his youth. He wears a supple coat of gleaming black ringmail and a lush sable cloak." This give a true example of the style of Game Of Thrones, because we get a feel of what the characters are like and what they wear, which tells us the time period of the show.
Content: The script for The Walking Dead is simpler to the 'Game of Thrones' script. The scenes in the show follow the script almost completely and there is not much change, compared to 'Game of thrones' where parts of the script have been taken out or changed to suit TV and audience. The content from The Walking Dead is much like real time, not much being changed besides the addition of Zombies and ruined areas, where as Game Of Thrones is similar to medieval times with the addition of Family Houses that control parts of the country.
Narrative structure: The start is the present then changes to a flashback. This makes the structure confusing to the audience as they get lost with the story line. However the game of thrones script is very linear, it is clear on how the story flows, starts with the three characters walking through the forest, then two of them get killed. The next scene shows the surviving character being captured and killed, the story flows from one scene to another.
Genre: The Walking Dead is a Horror/Drama. Which is partially similar to Game of Thrones, which carries the Drama genre but has the Fantasy/Historical genre to replace Horror. For example The Walking Dead includes the quote, "When she turns around, we see that she is a walker with missing parts of her cheek." This represents the horror genre because we are getting a taste of what this show offers and it isn't anything to nice.
Target Audience: The aimed target audiences for both of these shows are for people within the age range of 18-40 this is because of some of the conventions being too disturbing for people under the appropriate age, some of the conventions being the murder, gore and sexual scenes.


Ideas on  crime dramas:
Jess Hare, Female, 20,  5ft 11. She thinks she's bald. Wears a full suit, 3 sizes too small, for the streamline. Jess is a Police captain but still goes out on the field to fight crime.

She carries a switch blade, comb and a paper clip in her pockets at all time.

Her Dad is trying to track her down and tell her that she isn't really bald and she needs to focus on the real world instead of the small things.

Jess has a Tattoo of the bald head she thinks she has on her back.

During the hunt for his daughter, Jess's Dad gets really close but he gets caught up in a group of people that are protesting about tax.

The crimes that occur in this show are mostly Hit and Run and Loan Sharking, the sharks are a huge part of the city and will do anything to take over.

Hit and Run takes part as the first crime at the start and the Loan Sharking is a reoccurring theme that is a constant issue for Jess.

Jess works with an inside man of the Loan Sharks called Steve Buscemi, he is trying to keep Jess away from the Sharks because they are too dangerous but ends up helping secretively.
Meeting brainstorm:

TASK 3:Beyond, Good and Evil Script: 

Feedback for Beyond Good and Evil script:
Length: One of the comments said that the 9 pages was good, the other said that it could be 7 at the end of the cave scene.

Format: Good clear format, can determine dialogue from action, good use of parenthetical.
Spelling mistake at one point, change 'they' to 'the' at the point at 'they continue don they cave'.

Structure: Good introduction to characters, strong vocabulary, keeps us entertained. Plot is good, easy to understand.

Dialogue: Clear that 'Pey'j' and 'Jade' have a friendly relationship. Good distinction between the characters, easy to recognise who's who.

A) General series arc:
The story arc for BALD, a crime drama, is that a woman, Jess Hare, moves to New York to become a Chief of Police. She is faced with two main crime organisations that are troubling the city, a Hit and Run gang and a group of Loan Sharks that are Illegally taking other peoples money. Jess has to face these two groups off to keep her job, one day the Hit and Run gang just stop, their crimes aren't being committed anymore and they are completely gone. This is because the Loan Sharks saw competition in the city and wiped their opposing gangs out of the city, to no surprise the Loan Sharks are much bigger and they are an all round crime organisation. Jess has an inside man from the Loan Sharks called Steve Buscemi, he was ex-police and works for the Loan Sharks as intel. Which allows Jess to use him as intel for the police against the Sharks. After so much trying they eventually drive the Loan Sharks out of New York but obviously that isn't the end of them.
Alongside all of this drama Jess's father is trying to track Jess down and bring her back home because he thinks that New York is too dangerous for his daughter, there are a couple of slip ups and this story goes on throughout the first series.

B) First episode arc:
The first episode is going to consist of Jess's first day at the Police precinct, she gets the run down on the two gangs and she is faced with a small group of the Hit and Run gang participants, they are hitting up people who are venerable and Jess has to track them down to find out what the Hit and Run gangs goal is. In the side story, Jess's Dad sets out to drive to New York to take his daughter back. There will be scenes that he is sat in his car trying to call Jess, but she wont respond or the calls wont come through, making him even more worried.

C) The opening:
The opening is going to be a clip from the future that shows Jess chasing down one of the gang members in an alley way after she sees him attacking a guy who is trying to walk home. She chases this guy for a little while, there are quick camera shots so it isn't very clear what is happening. Jess then gets held up at a dead end and the title sequence then rolls.

D) Genre conventions of Luther 2015 special trailer:
  • Dirty apartment
  • Interrogation
  • Explosion
  • Board of crime scene clues
  • Hooded Character
  • Police Office
  • Fight scene
  • Police tape for crime scene
  • Forensics gloves
  • Illegal Weapons
  • Abandoned warehouse
  • Blooded hands
  • Motorbikes
E) Opening Scenes:

Scene 1: (Future Scene) Jess has just seen a guy that is part of the Hit and Run gang attack a man that appears to only be walking home after work, she chases the gang member down an alley way behind a bunch of dangerous buildings that are known to hold crimes organisations, she ends up getting caught in a dead end of the alley ways, where the guy she was chasing starts laughing. And we get flash backed to the start of the story and the next scene.

Scene 2: Jess's Dad is sitting in his car at a car park trying to call Jess warning her about New York being too dangerous for her but Jess picks up the phone and we see her Dad sat there looking worried for his daughter.

Scene 3: Jess has just been introduced to the precinct and straight away she gets told to enter a board meeting to discuss the two gangs that are troubling the city at that specific time. She learns about the Hit and Run gang and then the Loan Sharks, who haven't been so much of an issue but they are there.
Jess then gets access to all the stuff she will need and her office, as she is organising her things for her office, she puts her phone down on the table which has a notification about a voice mail that she just ignores and carries on working.

Scene 4: Jess is out on patrol with another officer looking for potential threats around the city, after a few minutes of dialogue about why she moved to New York, they stop and the other officer says that he is going to have a look around an area then get something to eat, Jess insist on staying in the police car and keeps an eye out on the area. This is when she sees the gang member attack the man walking home.

F) Peer Assessment:
Script Feedback 1
Script Feedback 2
Script Feedback 3
  • I need to change some of the dialogue to action, it didn't make sense at some points, like when they are getting the food.
  • Describe how the buildings in the start relate to the gangs, show don't tell!
  • The large man dialogue when he's laughing doesn't make sense.
G) Script draft one:

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