
D) Running Order:
E) Script:

F) Production Schedule:
D1 production schedule:
G)Relevant legal and ethical issues:
H) Proposed scheduling time:
Contingency plan:
A) Setting up appropriate equipment:
We set up the microphone in the room where we recorded on an actual tripod so it would be at the correct height for it pick up all of our voices correctly, we also made sure that we set it up in an empty space of the room so that we could all sit around the microphone and record at the same time.
We edited the breakfast show in Adobe Audition, we wanted to make sure that it was easy for us to add effects to certain parts, like the game show, where we needed to make Tyler’s voice sound like it was coming through a phone.
B) Following running order and content plan:
We followed the running order completely, we started with the news and ended with a song to continue to another show, we did this because it allowed us to get through all the work easily and keep our consistency throughout the show.
Our Radio show stuck to the content plan well. We did all of the things that we planned to do. We really wanted to make sure that we added the game show and at least two interviews. Our content plan also says that each edit will be at least 5 minutes and with the content that we have in the show, it surpasses 5 minutes easily.
C) Following safe working practices:
We followed safe working practices by making sure to take regular screen breaks(at least once every hour) in order to avoid eye strain.
We also made sure that our posture was correct, in order to prevent RSI, this included using wrist rests while we were typing, as well as making sure that we were a optimal distance from the computer monitor and did not have to lean in order to see better.
D) Following Production Processes:
Within this project we tried to follow our production schedule as much as possible, we followed it at times but also went off course to change parts of our work. We originally scheduled to record on Friday 10th March but instead we did a test recording session that day and then therefore pushed our other plans back, we had to review our test record and then chose when we would record, we re-wrote the script and changed some of our plans and when we were finished with all of that we then recorded the show on Friday 17th March and we spent the last week editing and finishing paperwork just like we planned to do on our schedule.
Review - Test shoot 14/03/17
We had a table read of the script we made. The conclusions we came to were that the script sounded really stiff said aloud. We started improvising and found that the conversation felt more natural because there were pauses and fillers like um and er. The plan is now write questions for the interviewer and rough answers leaving space for improvisation.
Shoot 17/06/17
Even after reworking the script we found that the outlines were still stiff sounding. We noticed an immediate difference when we went off the cuff but we didn't talk about the things we were meant to talk about. For future shoots we’ll make notes from script with points we have to reach.
Retake 19/3/17
News take (That it’s for the day’s headlines, we’ll be back at
Marco intro (music producer)
“This is BBC radio 1”
Interview with Shaun (do you plan to work with British) D2
BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show
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